One doctor/medical group that does care is Dr. Singh at One Medical Group. Finally, I have found someone/someplace that cares. Too bad they don't have an oncologist...
I've been so tired of being cooped up at and around the house. Today we went to watch the sun rise at Mt. Tam. Then we stopped to take a walk on the beach until my stomach ruined the lovely morning. But we saw this dude!!!!!!!!!!!
He was with a bunch of other dude friends!
He came over to me on the beach and I pet him. Then he whipped around, put his front paws in the water and barked at the ocean. He was so awesome. I love him!
My hair is growing! It's already weird to look at my bald pictures and remember I was completely bald for 6+ months. I really love my hair right now, I think I'll stick with the shaved head for a while. Hah, along with my new head of hair, I've also been blessed with some unwanted facial hair! I think it's the fact that I'm still in menopause and my hormones are all messed up, combined with the fact that all this new hair on my body has never been bleached by the sun. It's not my favorite. But I'll take a mustache over cancer any day!