Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving! Trigger almost (but didn't!) died!

Happy Thanksgiving! I had a mostly wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! I'm so lucky to be surrounded by tons of awesome and loving family! The only downside was that I couldn't share Thanksgiving with my dad! I hope he knows that he was with us in spirit!!!

Well, the other downside was that poor Triggs was sick all weekend. She really scared us! She got sick on Wednesday night. On Thursday & Friday she barely ate, barely moved, and didn't poop or pee. But then she finally ate a bit of wet food on Friday night, so we thought things were looking up. But Saturday morning she was worse so I took her to All Animals Emergency vets. When we arrived, the front desk guy took one look at Trigger and worriedly whisked her away to the back before we could explain what was wrong. That was not a good sign. It was also not a good sign when the vet said that if a cat's red blood cell count decreases to 10% they normally die, and that Trigger's count was at 5%! And it was also not a good sign when he showed us her blood sample, which looked like diluted pink Kool-aid. All really bad signs, and I was really really scared she wasn't going to make it. We left her there and went home, and when we got home I was really sad I didn't go in the back to say goodbye, in case she passed.

Luckily, she got better! At least for now. She got a couple of kitty blood transfusions (who knew there was such a thing!), and we went back that evening to see her and she'd already perked up! I went to see her again tonight, and she was doing awesomely! She had a cone on her head (covered in dried up wet cat food because she'd been eating ferociously), a bandage on her paw covering her IV, and she barked at my mom and I once she recognized us! The vet said her red blood cell count was back up to 29%, which was way more than they expected! Yaaay Trigger!!

So they still don't know what caused her red blood cells to plummet. So she's not in the clear yet. The answer to that question could be either very good or very bad. But for now she's not in dire straits, and she's also happy and out of pain, and for that I am very thankful. :)

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