Today Miles and I had to say goodbye to the kitty cat love of my life, Trigger. I've had her since she was a kitten in 1996. She spent her last moments laying across both of our laps, purring. As she passed, she had her head laying cradled in my hand, and through our loving pets she showed no fear or nervousness. It was all I could have hoped for for her.
I already miss her so much. Here is a photo tribute to her: I love you so much, little girl. I will always remember you. Goodbye, sweetheart Trigger.
I'm sorry, T. I know it hurts to let go of a pet, esp. 'cause you're the one that makes the decision to end it. When I was w/ Rich, we had to put our 15 yr old Akita to sleep, and in the end, she was exactly the same. She was just relaxed, almost relieved. There was no panic, or pain, she was just tired.
I'm sure she is in a good place right now - and still loving you for loving her so much.
Thanks, MaryAnne. I remember when you had the Akita, I didn't know you had to let her go, I'm sorry! Heheh, yeah she used to make this sound that was way more of a bark than a meow. I miss her so much. :(
I'm sorry, T. I know it hurts to let go of a pet, esp. 'cause you're the one that makes the decision to end it. When I was w/ Rich, we had to put our 15 yr old Akita to sleep, and in the end, she was exactly the same. She was just relaxed, almost relieved. There was no panic, or pain, she was just tired.
I'm sure she is in a good place right now - and still loving you for loving her so much.
Wow - did she really 'bark?'
Thanks, MaryAnne. I remember when you had the Akita, I didn't know you had to let her go, I'm sorry! Heheh, yeah she used to make this sound that was way more of a bark than a meow. I miss her so much. :(
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