Friday, March 27, 2009

Only Four Mour!

I finished Taxol #8 yesterday, only four more to go!! I can't believe I am so close to finishing chemotherapy, it's been a long time. I've been bald for 3 months already, wow. We finally got around to taking some chemo photos.

How many more hours left?!

Here is where the needle goes into the port in my chest:

This is the opposite of how chemo normally makes me feel:


jane said...

looks chilly. and like you have no legs.

(p.s. the "word verification" i had to enter to was "crymo" which i found lol-worthy.)

M.'s Ramblings said...

You have a lovely shaped head. It appears to be perfect - whereas, mine - I know it's a little flat in the back.

I'm so happy that you're chemo days are almost over! :)