Friday, December 4, 2009

Beer Mouth

I am lonely. LOML has been gone since Saturday on tour, and won't be back for a couple days still. I'm counting the days! At least Nutsy is on my pillow and Dumb Joe is on my other side. Nutsy, I love you so much little girl! You've gained so much weight lately and it's such a good thing! And when I say "little girl," I don't mean like Trigger "little girl," but a different "little girl" reserved all for you, my little grandma. You're going to live for another 10 years, I just know it!

The cancer experience has been a lot of things. It's taught me a lot. It's made me very sad and very happy. Cancer has been sobering. Cancer has been enlightening. Cancer has brought me and Miles closer in ways I never could have dreamed of. Yet at the same time cancer has been a lonely experience. (No offense to Miles, I know he knows that I'm not talking relative to the two of us.) Tonight I had the opportunity to vent some disappointment to one of a few people I thought might have been interested in my well-beings over the last year (but wasn't). It didn't go well. I'm that much happier that I've moved on from earlier parts of my life. Perhaps people in my peer group are too young or scared to be confronted with a life-threatening disease that isn't theirs. Perhaps they're too preoccupied with their own ups and downs. Perhaps they don't know what to say so they don't say anything. Or perhaps they just don't care. In any event, I AM very grateful for the few friends of mine who do care - I love you so much, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there and being supportive.

Blah blah blah blah, I feel like I'm pooping from the mouth. Who cares?! Maybe it's the 64 oz of beer talking...

1 comment:

M.'s Ramblings said...

I love u too!

I am sorry u were disappointed with that individual's reaction. I agree, youth blinds us to many makes us think we're invincible.

I know the past year has been harrowing, and has tested you in ways that most of those in our age group can scarcely imagine. Afterall, not many people understand what it means to have to fight for our lives....
But I am glad for the renewed passion/love/fire you have for the beauty in being ALIVE! You and Miles have a wonderful future ahead of you. You will be phenomenal parents.

There are so many people out there, who are content with "just getting by", just "existing", putting up with fucked up situations in their lives, or not capitalizing on golden opportunities...........
People living with the assumption that there will always BE a tomorrow.
See? Now u done got me all sappy, and I havn't even had anything to drink! lol
Wish I was there to share your company.....and some beer.