Charlie is becoming such a real dog. We've been leaving his crate door and the bedroom door open at night. He conks out in his crate, then at some point sleeps behind his crate, then is back in his crate by the time I wake up. He's so tired still when I get up that sometimes he doesn't even want to go out to baubles! He's also such a teenager right now... on mornings when Miles drives me to work, we've always brought him along in the car. Nowadays, when we call him to come out to the car, he plops down on his doggie bed and looks at us like "do I HAVE to???? LOL. It's funny how much dogs are creatures-of-habit. When he comes in from the rain and I forget to towel him off, he sits down and noses at the towel. I love it when he stretches in the morning when I wake him up - he stretches so long and hard, and tries to walk at the same time. I love how when I sit on the floor, he'll wake up from a dead sleep to come plop down on my lap. He's gotta be 65 - 70 pounds now, he's such a big puppy!!!

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